
RIGHT NOW it is midnight, the moment between Halloween and All Saints Day, and I am dressed as a cute little girl, starting the night at Austin´s with lots of other Council kids and one of our profesoras, Cristina, who is very cool and is friends with one of the regulars here who is also a professor from the States. It is looking to be a great night! I am excited. I am also excited to devour the huge sucker that tonight is a prop, part of my costume. Also, for everyone´s information, I am perfectly comfortable in these shorts tonight in the streets of Alicante. The weather here is UNbelievable. ¡Hasta luego!

¡Feliz Jalowín! I spell it that way because if I write "Halloween" it will be pronounced "ah-yo-ehn." Kind of a weird day, because it is sunny and beautiful and the only real significance that today is Halloween are the many "HALLOWEEN PARTY AT XYZ AMERICAN/IRISH PUB TONIGHT FREE SHOT!!!!!!" flyers everywhere. I am excited to go to the elementary school today because I think the kids are putting on masks and trick or treating at the different classrooms... hopefully there will be some candy involved and it will feel more like a regular October 31 for me. I have to put some kind of costume together. Vamos a quedarnos al Austin a las once y media para ir de marcha, porque no hay clases mañana. Todos los clubes les gusta cualquier razón para dar una fiesta, y una día de fiesta americana es un razón bastante bueno. In case anyone is worried about my coffee intake, I wanted to mention that my four espresso shot statement yesterday was an estimated total encompassing the entire day, including my regular coffee that I have at home in the morning. Have no fear; my addiction is nowhere near Deboe Konkol standards yet. No big plans for the three day weekend yet... hoping to take a day trip with Rachel at some point to a park or something, we´ll see. The weather is supposed to be awesome. High of 76 every day. Hmm, let´s check Milwaukee: Half of the temperature here. Feels like less. And only 26 degrees at Macalester, feels like 15??? Increíble. I am going to have the coldest Christmas ever.


Well, I have been informed that my recent blog entries have been "a little weird," for which I apologize, but which has been a result of happiness instead of homesickness. If this makes things weird, apologies, but I don´t think I want to change back. I´m just using this thing to entertain myself as well as all you readers. And to make fun of Ben a little bit through indirectness and inside jokes, which was a grand part of the last entry. Lo siento a todos. Last night right as I came home there was an accident in the street that my apartment is on. It was very exciting. This car was trying to turn the corner but another van was parked right around the corner in a place that is totally impossible to see from the first street. (Streets in Spain = very bad visibility, almost all one-ways, horrible parking jobs everywhere including on the sidewalk, diagonally in front of corners and regularly double parked.) When the car turned and saw the van they swerved (of course) and drove up onto the sidewalk and into the glass windows and door of this "tienda de regalos" = crap shop. Nobody was hurt but the glass shattered everywhere and lots of fake flowers and alarm clocks and batteries and potholders and vases were knocked to the floor. Apparently the owner of the gift shop is friends with Paz, and told her that a woman who was just coming into the store was almost hit but the owner pulled her out of the way when she saw the car coming and saved her. The reason it was so exciting was that for about 20 minutes, I felt like I lived in a busy lively neighborhood because when everyone heard the crash (walls in Spain have no insulation and you hear everything) everyone ran to their windows or came outside and around the corners to see what happened. I was looking out from my little 4th floor balcony, there were people out on all the other balconies below me. The sidewalks and streets had onlookers and people on them instead of just dog poop and trash and car parts (about 4 repair shops within two blocks of my building), and the neighborhood felt chatty and personable instead of lonely and sketchy. It was quite the excitement for the afternoon, I tell you. I like Wednesdays a lot because, although it is a long long long day, I really really like my Wednesday classes. This is the only day I have electives other than my language classes, which are also good, but it´s nice to get a little more intellectualism. My professors are great and there are some really cool and interesting kids in these classes. (Also some remarkably stupid people, but whatcha gonna do.) Today in school I learned about the development of the city of Barcelona and development of tourism in Spain and the strike that the teachers went on yesterday (I saw the big demonstration in Plaza Luceros, traffic was horrible becuase the procession of people was long and slow and blocked some of the main throroughfares in Alicante) and the educational system and all its problems and the new laws about it and the Spanish constitution and social security... Retired people in Spain recieve money every year to go on vacation, as long as they don´t go during summer, the main touristy season. This insures that the hotels and restaurants and everything can stay open and make money all year, and allows tourism to flow, which is good because it is basically the main industry in Spain.... Everything links together and it is very cool. And I am a huge nerd. I am the opposite of Ellie and many other students here, who cannot beLIEVE that they make us go to class on Fridays?? And when her professor complained and asked the class to please not go out so late on Thursday nights because it is impossible to have class with a bunch of hungover sleepyheads, Ellie said, "I´m sorry, but she better get used to it, because it´s not going to stop. Going to class is just not the reason that we are here." And long Wednesdays are not so bad, not when you have four shots of espresso coursing through your veins. (Only 35 centimos for a capuccino con chocolate from the vending machine, plastic stirring stick included! ¡Que barato! ¡Que riquísimo!) Amy and Lauren are skipping choir again tonight. :( The three of us Americans joined together and they are pooping out. Our German friend Carol wasn´t there last week either. This is partly good, because I will talk more with the Spanish students, like my new friend Silvia who invited me over to her place to try her paella sometime. She says it is her specialty. She is very much a typical alto personality. I like her a lot. On the other hand, I will miss having the other girls with me to help me deal with some of the other people in choir, like this one guy who thinks he is the shit and flirts with all the English speakers, or the just-out-of-high-school ditzy American girl who is kind of clingy and omigod! totally excited about everything! Actually both of them are not that bad and I won´t mind having a conversation or two with them... Being with this group of Americans has taught me how to be more amused and less annoyed by ditzy, less-than-intelligent people. Still, I am glad when Wednesday rolls around and I can get my learn on. Yeeeeahhhh.


I just found out from a weblog of someone very close to me the answer to a question that I directly asked him in an email. The question was regarding the upcoming marriage of someone from our high school class. Crazily, a girl who dated and broke the hearts of several friends of mine, who went to my elementary school and had a controlling best-friendship with another friend of mine, whose birthday parties I went to and whose house I slept over at, whose horrible mother was one of my girl scout troup leaders, is getting MARRIED. Wowwwwwwww.... When I read the name (on the weblog of the person who refused to answer my question personally in an email, as it had been asked), I gasped loudly and all these people in the library looked over to see what had happened. My mind is blown. Everyone seems to be talking about marriage all of a sudden but it keeps hitting closer to home, and Krista is not supposed to be getting married at this point of life. I guess this is my marriage conversation #1 of the day, which will certainly be followed by more as I relate this story to friends and hear about their sister´s/friend´s/personal-plans-for-future wedding complete with too much information on dresses, bridesmaids, colors, rings, music, money, time of year, honeymoon... What is with all of these young people getting married already?! It is freaking me out. I am regretfully entering the time of life when weddings are a frequent topic of conversation and a frequent occurrence among friends and acquaintences. This makes me uneasy. Now in my mind, the main purpose of weblogs is to babble at liberty about your personal thoughts on the world and then post them for anyone to read and enjoy/judge you by. I don´t know if that is a good purpose but hey, everybody´s doing it, and it´s the truth. I do not think that weblogs should be used to convey information of a conversational nature, especially when that information is requested directly in a personal email. Yet I have been the victim of such weblog misuse. Speaking of indirectness, I am endlessly frustrated by the fact that I cannot type in the address of that particular weblog whenever I wish to view it, becuase there is no way to type the symbol that is over the N in Ñ without the N on computers in Spain. Por eso, every time I want to view it I go to google, search for something like "elephant tidal andy martin chicago", click on the first site it finds with the title about thinking about me all the time, read a bit from that site, then go to the links section and finally click on the link to the weblog that I want to read. It is a huge hassle. If you want to read someone else´s thoughts about Krista´s upcoming marriage, or about the shameful purpose of weblogs and the embarrassment they bring, or if you simply want to view a great picture of the author of said weblog with devil horns and a box of Jalepeño poppers, follow the above instructions, and you can imagine that you too are sitting in a computer lab in Alicante without the little tilde thing on your keyboard.


Had some time before choir and using the internet again won out over playing with the cats or watching people make out in the grass. Public Displays of Affection are VERY common in Spain, and now that it is dark out at this time they seem to have escalated to the next level. Not that anybody holds ANYTHING back when they are in broad daylight anyway. I am still surprised that "Lindsay" is such a terribly difficult name for Spaniards to pronounce. At the elementary school, all the kids were totally blown away by my name... I had to write it on the board, not that that helps much. I also dropped off some film today, and just like last time, when I told the guy my name was Lindsay he immediately gave the pen and information sheet to me, throwing up his hands in an "I give up" manner. You´d think I was expecting him to pronounce or spell "Lefeber" or "Wauwatosa" or something. I am getting sick of having a headache all the time.

As Grover sang so beautifully on Sesame Street back in my day, "GranaaAAaaAAaaAAdaaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA! OLÉOLÉOLÉOLÉOLÉ!" I loved the city. It looks like this. I had a great weekend there, complete with a live Flamenco show, a beautiful (if gory) monestary and cathedral (make sure to check out the organ in those pictures, It was beautiful, I wanted to hear it so bad!), the site where Cristobal Colón asked Ferdinando and Isabela for money to check out a new path to the Indies and the coffins of Ferdinand and Isabel, what Bill Clinton referred to as "the most beautiful sunset ever*," and of course the Alhambra. The Alhambra is the last of hte great Muslim palaces and it is AMAZING. The gardens, the intricate details carved in clay eveywhere, the tiles, the fountains-- the whole water system in this huge place runs without machinery, they simply figured out how to use gravity and water pressure to make all these fountains work. Unfortunately the famous fountain of lions wasn´t running, but I still saw it! We spend the whole morning at the Alhambra yesterday, and I was glad that I remembered to bring sunscreen because a lot of skin was exposed in my tank top and it was HOT and the sun was strong. It was a good weekend, hung out with some cool people and just had a nice time. We had more free time than the other trips we took with the group and that made a huge difference. Came home and crashed though, even after sleeping for almost the entire 5 hour bus ride... Paz came in and took off my shoes and put a blanket on me, but I slept the whole night in my clothes on top of my covers. It is still really hot here. It is cold in the mornings but gets sooo hot during the day. It´s 75 degrees here, heat index of 76. What´s up? It´s almost November. It is hard to understand. I don´t know what I am going to do when I return to Wisconsin and Minnesota. I hope I find money somewhere to afford to turn the heat on in our apartment in St. Paul. Speaking of which, I just heard this morning that Paul Wellstone died in a plane crash?! I met him at Macalester. He was a good guy. He was a good politician. It is so weird to be behind on American news here... Some things are all over the television, like the sniper. But with many more gory pictures than I´m sure any of you saw in the states. Still, it is weird to find out about things when they seem so far away... Hard to explain. * - Let it be known that we realized too late that if Bill Clinton had in fact seen "the most beautiful sunset ever," we were futile in our attempt to see it again. The most beautiful sunset ever can only occur once in the span of time, and so we should not have been surprised to view the somewhat disappointing sunset over Granada last Saturday night.